τ.κ. 241 50


On behalf of the teaching, laboratory, and administrative staff, I welcome you to the Department of Business and Organizations Administration of the University of Peloponnese, which is located in Kalamata and was founded in May 2019 by Law No. 4610/2019. It belongs to the School of Management.

The mission of our Department is to offer its students high level and holistic education as long as research skills cultivation, with the aim of creating high level scientists in the field of management and administration, which is extended in many fileds of applications, responding to the modern challenges of Public and Business Administration, Operational Research and Information Systems. To this end the Department offers a wide and flexible courses portfolio that is presented in the following sections. The educational activities are further reinforced by postgraduate studies and the research laboratory. Thus, each student will be informed about the existing capacities and be capable of organizing its own personalized line of study.

I hope that the quoted material will be useful for the design of your studies. Further informational material may be found at the Department’s web page It should be mentioned that the academic and the administrative staff is willing to provide any clarification needed.

Kalamata, July 2022

Head of the Department

Theodore Kotsilieris, Associate Professor

The Department recognizes the importance of the internship and offers the opportunity to the students to gain working experience through Internships. The Internship is considered an optional course and it aims at giving the student the opportunity to put academic knowledge into practice. It is the first contact of the future young scientist with their potential work environment. The Internship provides the student with the opportunity to work on subjects relative to their studies and the knowledge obtained throughout their studies in real conditions. In addition, the Internship helps students understand the requirements of the work environment, gain professional conscience and then make the right choices regarding their profession. The Department offers Internship programs in organizations and companies of the private and public sector. More details are available in the approved Internship Regulation posted on the Department's website.

During the 8th semester students can be employed for 1 (one) month and the internship is referred in the Diploma Supplement. Internship corresponds to 6 ECTS.

Dear student,

In case you are diagnosed positive in covid-19, you should notify the National Public Health Organisation, calling the National Coronavirus Helpline at 1135. You will be asked to submit more details, while you will be given instructions as to what to do if symptoms become worse, ( case of high fever, and/or breathing difficulty you must seek medical care and hospital treatment).

If you are a student dormitory resident, please notify the University’s Suspected Case Management Officers. Within 24 hours the Civil Protection Service will contact you, for the purpose of contact tracing, and providing information regarding your obligation to submit the Covid Recovery Certificate after your recovery.

You must notify the Secretariat of your Department regarding the classes you have attended and the students as well as other persons you contacted during the past two days.

Yours sincerely,

 Stavroula Babali <s.mpampali at>

Niki Kouzi n.kouzi < n.kouzi at>

Covid-19 Suspicious Case Management Officers, Schools of Management and Agriculture-Food

The Department offers graduates the opportunity to prepare a Doctoral Thesis, in areas that fall within the research interests and/or scientific fields that are treated by the Department either exclusively or more broadly in accordance with the concept of interdisciplinarity that governs current research activity. The cycle of doctoral studies is completed with the preparation of an original dissertation and the award of a Doctoral Diploma.

The approved Regulation of Doctoral Studies (Greek Government Gazette 2580/τ. Β/ 26-06-2020) of the Department is harmonized with the provisions of Law 4485/2017 and is posted on the website16 of the Department.

1 Description

The study program extends (or covers) to 8 semesters (4 years). The first stage contains four (4) semesters (2) years studies of common program for all students

In the 6th semester students can choose between two modules of courses:

(a) Business Administration (BA), and

(b) Organisation administratio (OA).

Successful completion of the first stage is not mandatory for enrolment in one of these two modules in the sixth semester.

The purpose of these modules, is to enable students to deepen their knowledge and interest in their field of study, as well as to make possible (or permit, or facilitate) the better organisation of the study program.

These modules are not mentioned in the degree awarded nor do they establish specific professional rights. In addition to the core courses in both modules, students will have to choose courses from a list of elective courses available from the 5th throughout to the 8th semester, thus creating their own study plan.

  • Organization and Structure of the Undergraduate Program

The courses offered by the Department are:

1. Mandatory

2. Elective

3. Optional

Degree awarding requires successful completion of thirty eight (38) courses which are mandatory and elective but not optional courses. Mandatory courses are divided into two categories:

1. Core courses and

2. Module courses.

Twenty four(24) core courses are common to all students, are offered from the 1st through to the 5th semester, and cover a broad  area of business and public administration.

Eight (8) module courses are obligatory for degree awarding and are offered from the 6th through to the 8th semester.

Students can enroll in six (6) from twenty seven (27) Elective Courses of their own choice, available from fifth to eighth semester, thus completing the list of courses necessary for degree awarding.

Elective courses include the preparation and completion during the seventh (7th) semester of a Degree Final Project under the direction of a tutor. By undertaking a Degree Final Project which has a study load of twelve (12) ECTS), students are exempt from enrolling in two (2) elective course offered in the seventh (7) semester.

Optional Courses aim at enriching students’ knowledge and skills and although they have a study load in ECTS, they are not calculated for the Degree classification. However they are listed in the Diploma Supplement.